Well, I know I do not post much, and I know that I write these as if someone actually reads them when I can be confident that no one does. But, I have to share this with you. Last November I was at a Men's Boot Camp fashioned after the Boot Camps of Ransomed Heart. One of the sessions is where I saw this video for the first time. I, unfortunately, cannot remember what the session was, or even what was said about the video, and how it related. But after viewing it again for the first time after a month I am reminded of what God spoke to my heart during that time...
"You are my Warrior, You will cry out for Me!"
You see, all my life I have struggled with confidence, acceptance. Even as a Christian for the past 16+ years. But this year has been different. This year I have found my true name. I have found my worth to God...
I have finally seen my enemy, and have learned his schemes, and lies. (It is sad that after 16 years someone has pointed out the role satan has in our lives, both as Christians and non. But that is another blog.) You see satan know who we are as God's Beloved, better then we do actually, and he fears that we will come to know who we are as God's Beloved.
So satan's task has been to blind me of who I am, to take me out, so that I would never know my Glory. It started long before I was even born. My dad is a second generation alcoholic. He came from a home broken by alcohol and divorce. His step father was an immoral un godly man. On my mother's side, she was born out of wed-lock and her step father was a child molester. As much of my memory I have from what I know of the generations before me, there has been nothing but pain, suffering, and failure. Why? Because satan knows that I am God's Beloved. My childhood was racked with doubts and fears of my future. I never had any fathering to teach me what a man is, or what options I had for my future. As a young adult and a new Christian I was full of doubts and questions as to who I was or what I was meant to be. satan was there all the time stoking the fuel to the fires of doubt, fear, insecurity, never wanting me to find out who I really am. (It is sad to say even, that after two years of being out of the institutional church that I found who I am, but that too is another blog.)
So here I am, God's Warrior, the barer of His Glory.
So this video is a great story. Paul Pots (not Pol Pots, way different story!) works at a place called The Car Phone Factory in Britain. He has always had this dream of singing opera. And I am sure he has had his share of 'enemies', and 'nay sayers' along the way. But this is the video of his first time on Britain's Got Talent (the show American Idol is ripped from), notice how 'yeah right' the judges are when he says what he is there to do. They judge him before they know him.
Then notice something else, Notice how the woman judge is 'captivated' by Paul as he bares his glory...
That my friends is nothing compared to what happens when we come to the full knowledge of, and bare our Glory as God's Beloved.