Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My be continued...

It has been a crazy couple years for me in my journey. As I first realized 2 years ago that I had asked the wrong question "What does the world need?", and asked "What makes me come Alive?". As I started to discover my heart, I started to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. I applied to 3 departments in and around Columbus.

That turned out to be an awesome adventure! I experienced a lot of growth in my masculine journey, physically, mentally, and emotionally through all the different processes I had to prepare for, and go through! As well as some growth as God's Son/Warrior/Beloved! There were some agreements broken and wounds healed. One overwhelming theme has been "You have what it takes." "You can do this." "See, I knew you could do that!" "Well done Son!" I think I blazed through a couple of the stages of the masculine journey in the past two years! I am still on the waiting list for one of the departments, and have been invited back to Columbus for the Oral Boards.

I know Father lead me to pursue that path, as much as I know that I am not on that path anymore by His design. Monday August 24th I officially started classes full time at BGSU/Online. Should take me a little over 2 semesters to finish my BS in Tech. Ed., then on to a Masters. Not sure what yet, knowing Father will tell me when I need to know (but leaning towards something in counseling). He is leading me to finish my BS and beyond into something more geared to my glory, the glory that He has bestowed upon me, and desires me to live in, His Glory shining through me.

I know I am on the right path, I know this because it is opposed. I press on, I have what it takes. I can do this.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lauren's Dream...

My daughter had a dream last December (I just found this, saved as a draft, and never published.)...

I was having a picnic with Connie and the Hexter kids at a small zoo. A man, the opposite of Jesus[False Messiah], was standing in front of the zoo telling everyone that if they wanted to get into the zoo they had to come talk to him. All the children go to him except the Hexters and me and Connie. He calls to us yelling "get over here". The Hexters try to get pass him with out saying anything. But the man hypnotizes them with a snake like stick with red eyes and a sharp point. All the children now have red eyes and are hypnotized.

A jail falls from the sky and now the whole zoo is in jail. I found some roller skates with bombs[rockets] on them and flew up to a cloud and hid behind it. I looked down and could see the jail[hell]. I rang hells doorbell and when the guard opened the door I sneaked in. I saw that everyone was being hypnotized with the wand and helmets. I popped the helmets off everyone and they aren't hypnotized anymore. I smashed a robot dog that had cameras all over it. I then saw a bright light and satan was there, and everyone was blind, he asked why I broke his dog. Then there was another bright light and God[Jesus] was there, and everyone could see again. Then there was a brighter light then all the others, I hid cause I was scared, but after that no one was blind[hypnotized] anymore. I looked up and saw Jesus and a frog[toad] and asked Jesus what the frog was. He said it was the False Messiah. Then the frog fell through the floor and you could hear it splat when it hit bottom. Then Jesus asked me to come to heaven with him. Then I was in Heaven.

This from the daughter who, while on our family vacation, bought a sling-shot and bow & arrows for souvenirs.

I have quite the Warrior Princess on my hands!!