I had a conversation with the Father the other day. it wasn't over some big life changing event, like what college do I go to, who do I marry, etc. It was over some every day common thing.
I have been looking for a new(er) vehicle lately because I am driving 15 and 24 year old cars. I have a stash of cash saved up from, work bonuses, and tax returns. I have spent months researching what to buy at Consumer Reports and MSN Autos. I finally found what I was looking for from a dealer in Toledo (2 hours from my house). The day I planed to go up there and check it out I was slammed with attacks from satan. That was no real surprise, I knew it was coming and why, the attack was at my heart, its 'goodness' and 'character'. "There is better things you need to spend this money on.", "This isn't the best type of vehicle for you." were the two major attacks all day. There was also some attacking from not so obvious directions, work was a real pain that day and the day before. One major issue unresolved would end up that 1000+ employees would not get a paycheck this week. By the end of the day I was frazzled.
Finally on the way home from work, a little overwhelmed, I thought I should call my ally and ask for prayer. Before I called, I reminded myself who I am in the Father's eyes, that I have a good heart, and I researched the crap out of this decision. That the Father gives me desires to follow, and wants to grant me those desires as I 'live' for/towards them. Right then God said "It's ok Rocco. You are right, I want you to have this." "Let's go get it." Wow! I was instantly cryin'.
I have heard the Father before, just in life changing events, nothing as simple as daily life decisions. This was awesome! But that wasn't all...
When we got there and started looking over the vehicle the Father showed up again, like it was my earthly father there helping me look this thing over 'fathering' me through buying a vehicle. "Look over here Rocco." "Look at this paint overspray, looks like they are hiding something" "Check this out. See that rust?" "Look under here, see that oil, that's not good." "That didn't sound good when it started." "Don't settle for this, there's a better one out there for you."
It was so freakin' awesome!
Not only that, Sandy and I had a total of four hours to drive to look at this vehicle, and we had a great time, talking about how God showed up for this, and sharing with each other! It was beautiful!!
Thanks Dad!
Stunning Wisdom in the Age of the Internet
3 days ago