18.5 years ago I became a Christian.
2.5 years ago I found my heart, resulting in my living in Father's love, and in love with Him. This all thanks to the books 'Wild at Heart' and 'Sacred Romance' by John Eldridge of Ransomed Heart.
This past summer I went on a road trip with the family, and part of that was a stop in Chicago where I got to spend some time with a couple of my Great Aunts. I quizzed them on my ancestry and found that as far back as they can remember, the men in the line of my family have been Emotionally/Mentally (sometimes physically) Abusive Drunks. It was very much my intention to ask, and find out as much as I could about my past. (Yes, I grew up in a home with an alcoholic dad.)
You may have heard of Craig McConnell from Ransomed Heart, about the story of his dad, step dad*, and grandfather. How his dad died in WW2 around the time he was born. Adopted by his step dad, Craig grew up knowing little, if anything, about his real dad and family. It wasn't until he was much older that he found out that his grandfather was the first missionary to a South American country. I wanted that. I was hoping to find out that my great Grandfather or distant relative was a great man. But, alas, no. No men of God, no missionaries, no inventors, politicians, business owners, nothing. ... Bummer.**
But Father came for me in that. Speaking into my life...
"Rocco you are that man! Generations will come, and look back at you with grateful hearts for being their forefather, a man who loves Me and who truly knows how much I love him!!. They will say 'It was my great great grandfather Rocco who first loved God.' Our enemy, Satan, has been working for four generations to take you out Rocco. You are that important, and he fears you!"
Question for you ... Do you know who you are in God's eyes?
...to be continued...
* http://www.ransomedheartblog.com/craig/2009/03/a-moment-in-time.html || Craig also talks about his “New Name” in the Wild at Heart Bootcamp CD series, it’s also told by John in his book, Wild at Heart, on page 21.
** But I did find out that one of my first cousins, whom I have not talked to for years (our dads had a falling out) is a Christian! OohRahh!!