Hmm, where do I start?...
I grew up in a home with an alcoholic father. He started drinking when he was in high school and hasn't stopped since. He puts down a liter of Gin or Vodka a day. In other words - He checked out of his life before I checked into mine.
Fast forward to the near present...
I didn't have a father to teach me what a man is. To teach me what Love is. To help me find my 'Heart'. I question my manhood - no answer. Do I have what it takes? - still no answer. Do I have anything to offer? - again, no answer. I'm asking 'man' and either there is no answer or the answer is 'no'. I, like many others, am asking 'my wife', my 'employer/career', my 'church leaders' etc., and they can't answer the questions either, or their answer is no. I secretly live in shame, fear, putting up a false 'Rocco' to others of what I think a man should be - desperately hoping that no one finds out who the true 'Rocco' is.
Fast forward to winter '07...
I was at an allies house as we were making our way through the Wild At Heart - Band of Brothers DVD study. We were in the section talking about God's true name for us, the one He will give us on a white stone as we enter Heaven, the name that will reveal who we truly are - our identity in the eye's of the Father. While we were discussing that topic, I, with no real hurry, sat back in my chair and thought to myself "I wonder what my new name will be?" God spoke ...He answered... "Rocco." "I gave you that name long before you were a thought in your father or mother's mind. I put that name on their lips." "That is who you are."
Up till then there was only a few times I heard the Father's voice like that. I was in awe, and yet, disappointed. Why couldn't it be something cool like all these other guys who were getting names like Excalibur, Evergood, Highlander? Why "Rocco", I have had that name my whole life? Don't get me wrong, I've always been proud of it, even though I got picked on alot for it.
So I thought I knew what my name means. Rocco = rock, right? Nothing wrong with that. Solid, strong, not easily swayed. But I thought there must be something more, something the Father wants me to know. I really started to dig deep for the meaning. After about a full day of digging - I found the following:
Language of origin: Old High German
Info about origin: from the Old High German name 'Roho' which was a short form of names like 'Rochbert' that are all but forgotten today
Words: rohon = to roar, to shout a battle cry
Variants: Rocco Italian
Meaning: Battle cry; rest
Origin: Germanic
Additional info: From the Latinised Rochus; in origin a Germanic name. It could be from either the Gothic 'hrukjan', Old German 'rohôn', 'to shout' - so 'battle cry' or from the Germanic 'hrok' - 'rest'.
Name: Rocco - Germanic
Gender: Masculine
location: Unknown location
Language: German
Thematic: Unknown Thematic
Meaning: War Cry; Battle Cry
The first time I read the first definition listed, God said "Rohon, You are My Warrior! You Will cry out for Me!" (Man, my body still tingles every time I remember that.) Wow! Validation from the creator of the universe, the Almighty God, our heavenly Father. The answer to my questions - "You are Loved! I Love you!" "You are a Man!" "You do have what it takes!" "You have so much to offer!" "I am at war and I need you!" - God.
The lifetime of doubt, shame, lies from satan, agreements made to the enemy (conscious and subconscious) that hovered over my life - GONE. God consumed it with the Fire of His words and it all crumbled to the ground like ash.
Jer 20:10 - 13 [ESV]
10. For I hear many whispering. Terror is on every side! "Denounce him! Let us denounce him!" say all my close friends, watching for my fall. "Perhaps he will be deceived; then we can overcome him and take our revenge on him." 11. But the LORD is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble; they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten. 12. O LORD of hosts, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and the mind, let me see your vengeance upon them, for to you have I committed my cause. 13. Sing to the LORD; praise the LORD! For he has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers.
Joel 3:10 [ESV]
Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, "I am a warrior."
Do you know who you are? Really know? Leave a comment and tell us who you are!
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